View from the (near) top of the Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail
... how lucky I am to live in Hawai'i. On the days that I work, I leave when it's dark, and get home at bedtime. And when I'm at work, the only windows I could look out of are the patients' windows. Very few hours are actually spent admiring this beautiful place. Finally, I was reminded of why I'm still HERE this past Thursday.
We had been talking quite a bit about how much we miss going on hikes. We've always wanted to take Audrey out to one, but wanted her to actually walk it, not be carried through one. As for strollers, we haven't used one since she was... two? Anyway, I started looking through some places that she could try out. Nothing too steep, too muddy, too long, etc. My sister suggested the Makapu'u Lighthouse Trail, somewhere I've never been. (Probably because it's on the opposite side and there are other trails so much nearer.) So on my day off, we decided to go out and try it.