Thursday, April 14, 2011

Getting back in

IMG_7668 by NurseNinja
IMG_7668, a photo by NurseNinja on Flickr.

As I've mentioned a couple of posts back, I've been a bit stuck.  Lora had a wonderful suggestion of maybe trying NaBloPoMo, but I think I'll take it a little slower.  As tough as I can get with myself, I think that a daily entry may be too much for me to handle at this time.  I would like to attempt it again at some point, though.  Perhaps by this summer?  We'll see.  For now, I've gone a different route.  Another class to try.  

Shimelle is starting  a new class on Monday, and I've decided to join in.  I really enjoyed the previous classes as can be seen by some of my initial posts, so I figured, why not?  It's a good way to get back into blogging, and there isn't the kind of "pressure" I put on myself with NaBloPoMo.  As much as I've fallen behind on some of Shimelle's classes, I love the fact that I can go back to the lessons any time I want to.  In fact, I probably will be revisiting those prompts this upcoming year.  So, here's hoping that Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers will get the writing juices flowing again.  If nothing else, I suppose I could just post a few more random photos. =)  

I haven't been this excited about posting in a while.  I'm looking forward to it.   


  1. That sounds like fun! And wow, her scrapbook pages are AMAZING.

  2. Hey there! Thanks for following my blog. Did you find me through Shimelle's class? I love her classes and always learn something new. I'll pop in here occasionally to see how you're getting on!

    Speak to you soon!
