Monday, November 22, 2010

Are you fonder yet?

Nursing theme cake by my sister

I'm back!  Actually, I've been back from Maui since late Monday afternoon.  Unfortunately, I had to spend the rest of the week at work to make up the hours I wasn't there.  It must be the full moon because we were popping out babies like no one's business =)  Now I just have to catch up on all the blogs I've been missing, upload the photos I took on our trip and actually get back into Finding Water  and the True Stories prompts.  The trip kind of derailed some of the projects.  Yet despite all the incomplete projects, I am absolutely itching to take up Shimelle's discount offer for another class.  Am I nuts?  I don't even scrapbook!  Yet.  =)  Help!  I think I may need an intervention.  As for NaBloPoMo, I think it's safe to say that this year is a FAIL.  *shrug*  It was well worth it.  I'll just try it another time.  

Now for an explanation for the picture above.  I thought it fit because my job's kept me busy since my trip.  It's a photo of a carrot cake with cream cheese filling that my sister created for me and my co-workers.  Can you believe she just started playing with fondant two months ago?  Yep, the kid's got talent.  It makes me want to play around with the darn thing.  Another project to try?  Ack!  I swear I have ADD sometimes.  Oooh!  Shiny!    

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